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imag Taurus imag
imag   Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, representing growth and development. Taurus is patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, and determined. It likes few changes which determines its reserved and practical nature. Taurueans show a great interest in all physical matters.
Taurus is faithful to friends and lovers. However, when insulted Taurueans remember it forever. No other sign in the zodiac is closer to earth then Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus and seeks harmony with its surroundings. Taureans like being part of a team. However, they have reputation for stubbornness. Taureans are good teachers, scientists, designers, and chefs.
Taurus attractions:   Libra, Capricorn
Taurus colors:   All shades of Cream, Blue
Taurus stones:   American Diamond, Opal, Zircon
Taurus plants:   daisy, lily
Corner imag
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imag imag
The second closest planet to the earth, Venus, is the planet of love and desire. She holds romance and beauty. But Venus is not only about physical love but also about ideal love. She represents the attraction we have towards the person we love. Venus is sensual and simple.
The second house represents the things which we value. Its sphere includes personal possessions. A thing which holds personal value is related with the second house. It also represents those immaterial things which we value. Any thought about the most important thing for you or your own values represents thinking of your second house.
The Earth signs are naturally practical. Accordingly, the Earth signs base their life on reality and not on fiction. Sensation is of more importance than thoughts or feelings. Earth signs live with their feet on the ground. Their sensibility draws others to seek their advice. The Earth signs believe that seeing is believing.
A sensible outlook on life is the forte of the people born under Taurus.
Tartans shortcoming is that they can actually accept less than they deserve.
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