Kaalsarp Dosh |
Kaalsarp Yog has become a very popular astrological today with a number of controversies surrounding its and true nature. Many astrologers claim that there is no mention of kaalsarp Yog in any of the classical astrological texts.
Kaalsarp Yog given rise to when all the planets are placed between rahu and ketu.
Now days astrologers considers kaalsarp yag in both of the above mentioned conditions where as it is well known that complete kaalsarp Yog is present in the horoscope of Indian independence. This horoscope is calculated for the mid night of 15/16 August 1947 with all the planets placed between rahu and ketu. |
How Kaalsarp Yog is Formed in a Horoscope |
What is Kaalsarp ? |
When all the planets are hemmed between rahu & ketu ,the moons north node and the moons south north kaalsarp Yog is formed. |
Type of Kaalsarp Yog |
1. Anant Kaalsarp Yog :- When rahu is in the first house and ketu in the seventh house and the rest of the planets are left to this axis the Yog which arises the anant kaalsarp Yog.
2. Shankachood Kaalsarp Yog :- When rahu occupies the ninth house and ketu is in the third house , this Yog operates .they have a habit of speaking lies. They are also short tempered.
3. Ghatak Kaalsarp Yog :- This Yog arises when rahu is in tenth house and ketu in the forth house punishment by law and government also possible.
4. Kulik kaalsarp Yog :- When rahu occupies the second house and ketu the eight house kulik kaalsarp Yog arises .this combination is bad for health.
5. Vasuki kaalsarp Yog :- When rahu occupies the third house and ketu the ninth house and the rest of the planets are located to the left of the rahu and ketu axis , this Yog is born.
6. Shankpal kaalsarp Yog :- When rahu occupies the forth house and ketu the tenth house ,this Yog is formed .however this Yog also has the power of confirming high political success and wind fall gains.
7. Padam kaalsarp Yog :- When rahu occupies the fifth house and ketu is in eleventh house , this Yog formed.
8. Takshak kaalsarp Yog :- When rahu is in the seventh house and ketu in the first house, this Yog is formed there is marital discord in the life of the native.
9. Mahapadam kaalsarp Yog :- This Yog is formed when the rahu is in the sixth house and ketu is in the twelfth house.This native has selfish nature.
10. Karkotak kaalsarp Yog :- When rahu occupies the eight house keu in the second ,his Yog which arises.This native is short tempered and has many enemies .this native does not get paternal wealth.
11. Vishdher kaalsarp Yog :- When rahu occupies the eleventh house and ketu in the fifth house,this Yog which arise is the vishdher kaalsarp Yog .Problem also arise from children.
12. Sheshnaag kaalsarp Yog :- When rahu occupies the twelfth house and ketu in the sixth house,this Yog arise . there are may enemies and wealth problems. |
What is the Kaalsarp Yog? |