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Numerology (Numero) or Life Path Number is obtained by reducing the sum of your birth date into a single digit number. The number projects your personality depending upon the planetary position on your day of birth which no one can change.

To calculate the date calculations we have to consider the date of birth of theperson, expressed numerically, as mm/dd/yy.
Total up the digits of each number (month, day and year) in your Birth date (don't reduce 11 or 22 which are master numbers). Continue to add the digits of these three numbers together until you have one number.

Example, A lady was born in December 21st 1980 (12/21/1980)

To reduce her birth date to a single digit, do the following calculations

1+2+2+1+1+9+8+0 = 24

Again, because we can't have a double digit number, we reduce this number furtherby adding together the two parts of the number 24

24 = 2+4 = 6

The whole equation would look like:

12/21/1980 = 1+2+2+1+1+9+8+0 = 24 = 2+4 = 6 is numero / Life PathNumber.
1 6
Moon Rashi
  An intense, emotion - al nature who will want to get the
most out of life but who can be somewhat secretive.
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Celebrity of the year
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Kangana Ranaut was born on 23rd March 1987, in Himachal Pradesh. She moved to Mumbai to try her luck in movies.
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