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  The Virgo sun sign is the 6th sign of the zodiac in astrology. Well known for their characteristic discrimination, hard working tendencies and service, Virgo is symbolized by the virgin, or goddess of the harvest. As one of the earth signs, the Virgo sun, moon or rising sign possesses depth. Having mutable cardinality makes Virgo flexible and adaptable.
Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, the messenger. This brings gifts to Virgo in communications and commerce, which may appear in Virgo rising as well or those with moon in Virgo in their natal chart.
Virgo attractions:   Capricorn, Libra
Virgo colors:   indigo, violet, silver
Virgo stones:   Emerald,
Virgo plants:   sage, wintergreen
Virgo is associated with the planet which symbolizes not only our thoughts but also the way in which we express them. It is Mercury, the planet in charge of all language. It moves around the Sun faster than any other planet. Mercury is also about our intellectual discrimination. This key planet of Virgo is about judgment regarding every bit of information that enters our mind.
The sixth house is related to the performance and efficiency in the tasks related to work and not necessarily career. It's about the job which is bread and butter for you, Virgos. This sector is also where we look to seek knowledge about health and healing. It is not only about work routine but also about the daily habits of hygiene.
Earth signs are practical and base their life on reality, not on fantasy. Sensation is given high value than thoughts or feelings. Earth signs live with their feet on the ground. They become advisors for others because of their basic sensibility. For Earth signs, what is seen is to be believed. The Earth is about practical analysis-- using mental tools to discern the best use of what is around us.
Your forte is your dexterity to focus your attention.
You are a perfectionist and your zeal for perfection blocks your way of enjoyment.
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Aries Taurus Gemini
Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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